Thursday, May 24, 2018


A dreary rain pelted against the wooden ceiling in a constant staccato.
He sat on the floor, his back against the bed, 
wide awake at three in the night, engrossed in Eliot .
She lay awake too, listening to the rhythm of the rain,
one hand drooped over the side of the bed,touching his shoulders.


Morning surrenders itself
into a haze of melancholy
hanging grim from a pale moon.
When it's eight o'clock
I'll catch a faint whiff of your favorite perfume
as if you had reached the bottom of our house's stairs.
But that's all there is,
the door won't open and you won't come in.

Monday, May 21, 2018


How do I stop from
giving myself entirely to you
when a part of me
doesn't really want to
but there are these chinks
in our lives together
which makes me smile?

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


I'd given up everything for someone once. It was such an amazing feeling, that I didn't even mind or care that I was so vulnerable. Like a lot of other people, the first time I fell in love, it never got reciprocated. How do you give up everything for someone if they couldn't care less? But, strange as though it may seem, it's possible.The scar still exists from the wound that was caused when that attraction never manifested in the real world. And it's one of those scars you are proud of or look upon fondly. It reminds me of an easier time in life. I know I will never fall in love with that same kind of ease, there will always be walls of caution now. The first time is always the best and the worst in it's own intangible ways.

Monday, May 7, 2018

It's Time

Do you want to build a universe
within the one you live in?
Do you want to change the way
others look at things?
Do you want to create and mould
a new road in the mountains?
Do you want to be remembered
or be a lost page when you die?

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

My Slow Dancing Human

Oh so slow,
like a ray of light
circling in spirals,
grazing the edges,
eventually disappearing
into the center of a black hole,
we dance.

New Monday, New Me.

Oh it was Monday today, wasn't it? I was supposed to be someone else today. Well, not just today - starting from today. Lists had been m...