Monday, December 18, 2017


Our memories are associated with the strangest of elements - elements long forgotten and whisked away in seconds to subtle shelves deep inside our cognizance. The memories get  hidden along with their attachments. But it will take one unexpected and unrelated moment in life to yank them out and make them float on the surface again.

Like the whiff of a perfume and a girlfriend from the past. Like a toy at a store and a fight over a similar one with a cousin from childhood. Like a shirt in an untouched part of the closet and a boyfriend from the past. Like a dialogue in a family movie and a family dinner from years ago. Like a joke cracked at an office party and an uncle who used to tell the same joke at dinner parties. Like watching a kid ride his bicycle and the time you had fallen of yours. Like a fish recipe at a restaurant and your grandmother who made it the same way. Like the touch of someone's hand on your skin and how your mother had saved you from toppling over from a chair.

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