This lump in my throat,
the one behind my Adam's apple,
is packed with all my senses
and emotions.
There, happiness blends into nostalgia,
Anxiety blends into fear,
yearning blends into sorrow,
words blend into silence;
there, everything blends into oblivion and vice versa.
This lump in my throat,
that even I don't have access to
in the clearest of ways,
how do I let someone in there
to figure it out?
the one behind my Adam's apple,
is packed with all my senses
and emotions.
There, happiness blends into nostalgia,
Anxiety blends into fear,
yearning blends into sorrow,
words blend into silence;
there, everything blends into oblivion and vice versa.
This lump in my throat,
that even I don't have access to
in the clearest of ways,
how do I let someone in there
to figure it out?